Here it is January 2nd, and at least one New Year’s Resolution has survived: I’m continuing to bring current the website by adding content.
You’ll find new material (or at least new to these pages) in the Philosophy area (now being re-labeled “Philosophy and Theology”. That material includes
A formal philosophy paper on the medieval mystic Meister Eckhart (fl. 1300), with the Latin title Esse Est Deus, written for a graduate seminar at the New School of Social Research in 1993. This seminar triggered a continuing interest in this very thought-provoking think, who is still a lively provacateur for philosophers and theologians today.
Two Sermons (!) that i was invited to deliver (in 2015 and 2018) at the Bay Ridge United Methodist Church. How a Catholic like myself wound up in a Methodist pulpit is a story in itself, but it has happened..
The first is “Gospel Values, Economics, and Social Justice”
The second is “Do You Have Anything Here to Eat?”
Perhaps the titles of the sermons hint at the connection to my day job.
“50 Years in 1000 Words” is a personal report I contributed to a compendium put together of reflections by those who, like me, started seminary studies at the North American College at Vatican City in the Fall of 1970. Like the sermons, this piece elucidates the connection between my professional and scholarly life and the spiritual journey that has transpired over the past half-century. It illustrates the adage “God writes straight with crooked lines.”
Lastly (for now) under the heading of 24-hour cities, I’ve posted a Powerpoint presentation with notes that I made at the Homer Hoyt Institute in May 2017 on “The Future of Cities in the Trump Presidency.” Looking back, while my crystal ball was not perfect, this presentation did correctly envision the disruptions to come in the areas of US institutions, urban policy (or lack thereof), the rule of law, trade, education, and other topics that would come to dominate the news, even to the present day.